welcome to 

Choosing Strength with Jo Curley
your community for empowered health and fitness

Finally, a program that guides high performing women, to overcome frustration and overwhelm by testing- not guessing, to gain a clear path back to the life they desire!
It used to be easy...

I hear you, and have been right where you are! When you are a high achieving person, you usually know what you want, and figure out a way to make it happen.

So why can't you get a handle on your health, energy, and fitness anymore? You used to run marathons, and now you can't even make supper.

Every time you feel frustrated, you wind up spending hours on the computer, searching for that one thing that everyone is promising will be the one thing that works for you.  "Like magic", they say, "the energy comes back overnight and the weight just falls off"...except when you try it, it doesn't work. 

So you go back to the computer and spend more hours, and try another thing, and then two more things, (because more is always better, right?) and then you maybe go back to that other thing that didn't work, but maybe it will this time...and the harder you work at it, the harder it becomes, until that's all you are doing anymore is focusing on making it work...and it never does.  So you are right back where you started. 
Frustrated, overwhelmed, out of shape, and out of hours.

I want to introduce you to a different way

I want to introduce you to the HTMA - the hair tissue mineral analysis test. This is a test that uses YOUR hair to identify situations that may be unique to you and your body! By examining the test results and correlating information with your intake forms, we can get a pretty good picture of what's been going on in YOUR unique body. But the best part, is that you are not just getting a test and results, you are entering into a whole community that is here to support and educate you through this journey! From the time you fill out your first intake form, you are able to start listening to the lessons and implementing strategies that will set you up for success.  By the time you get your sample results back and have your one on one coaching session, you are already well on your way. 

No guessing, No overwhelm, No program switching, No crazy diets, No crazy workouts...just a clear, simple plan, laid out lesson by lesson, that you listen to as you go about your day.  The action steps are easy to understand and implement.  And if you have questions the community it her for you, through the discussion posts and weekly group coaching calls. The whole program is set up to guide you to success, you just have to be ready to show up:)

Why this community, why now?

Because my whole life has been calling me to lead you in this moment. Hi, I'm Anita Jo Curley, but most know me as Jo. I am a retired certified athletic trainer, current NSCA Strength & Conditioning coach, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach, and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Practitioner.  And I've enjoyed every minute teaching yoga and other group fitness classes, as well as being able to coach my kids through basketball, and volleyball!

I've been able to serve my clients in a variety of ways, and with the HTMA I have been able to create a membership that allows me to put all of my skills into one container to serve your unique body!

But it hasn't been without struggle, I took a little time being lost in the world of stress, autoimmunity, kids, and...well you know how it is! I ran my first sprint tri one month after being diagnosed with Hashimoto's and it's been a roller coaster ever since.  ummm, that was 8 years ago...But I'm finally back to a place where I feel like I have more good days than bad, and can't wait to share with you all that I have learned!  I DO NOT want it to take you 8 years do figure it out on your own.  Utilizing the HTMA with all the other trainings has been the final piece of the puzzle for me, but I want it to be one of your firsts!

What others are saying about the Choosing Strength Membership
" So glad I made the decision to join 
choosing strength,
I feel like I have a plan in place and I am moving 
forward for the first time in a long time!" 

"Working with Jo 
has been empowering and amazing! 
I've learned so much in the first two weeks 
and can't wait to continue!"

" The pain behind my knee is almost 
gone, and I have a lot more energy!
Getting in the right foods has 
been a game changer, 
and surprisingly easy!

" I just love the group calls
and how much 
I am getting 
out of them. 
It's nice to have
someone else to 
ask questions
and actually 
get answers that work!"

The Choosing Strength Membership is for you if...

you've already "tried everything" and aren't sure why it hasn't worked
- you are ready to hear, listen, and implement what you learn
- you have the mindset of a high performance achiever, it just seems a bit foggy right now
- you are tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed with the process you've been following
- you are ready for a new perspective
- you are ready to commit to doing the actions it takes to achieve the goals you want
- you feel alone in your journey, no one is listening to you, and you feel like you want to give up
- you feel prepared and ready to sprint, you just don't know which direction to go

Frequently Asked Questions about the Choosing Strength Membership
1. How do I get my HTMA sample test kit?

2. How do I receive my results from the test kit?

3. Is the HTMA test kit extra?

4. How are the group calls set up?

5. Is there an app?

1.  Once you sign up for the membership you will have access to all the modules. In the first lesson you will have your intake forms. Once you fill out those forms, I will send you your sample test taking kit.  You are then responsible for reading the simple directions, taking your sample, and mailing it back to the lab. 

2. When the results are finished, the lab will send them to me, where I will review them, and put together an educational packet for you.  We will set up a one on one consultation time which will take around 40 minutes to complete. Most times will be during the day.

3. No the test kit is not extra! The test kit and the one on one consultation is included in your initial monthly payment of $165.  The following months in the membership are $69.

4. Group calls will be weekly, on zoom. You will get a link and password emailed and posted on the group page. All calls will be recorded so you will be able to listen if you are unable to make the call.  There is also a form to fill out with specific questions so I can go over them on the call. This works well if you are shy, or can not be on the call live!

5. YES There is an app that is super easy to download and listen to all the modules, as well as do any of the fitness routines.

One more quick note...

Choosing Strength has been a labor of love and learning for many years. I have been where you are. There are so many days when you think no one is on your side, no one can help you, or even see you. You just don't know how you can get your life back or take action.  I found that in the darkest of weeks, there was always one thing that I could come back to over and over.  I could always choose strength.  
I might feel horrible, life might be completely out of control, but I could do a small thing, that would make me feel better and day by day it would snowball.  When strength is the last thing you could even fathom, it's probably the time it's needed the most.  Going for a walk is choosing strength, doing yoga is choosing strength heck some days, just getting outside or doing the dishes is choosing strength. 

It's physical, it's mental, it's everything.

Choosing strength is a mantra for all of us.
I hope you embrace it with everything you are, because no matter what crazy shit life decides to throw your way today, you always have a choice...

Are you choosing strength with me today?

Copyright Jo Curley

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