welcome to 

Choosing Strength with Jo Curley
A membership program with 1 on 1 coaching, that empowers active women like you to get to the root of your metabolic imbalances, so you can restore your energy, gain strength, and confidently get back to 
conquering your day!

You've always been accomplished, happy, and active...You love your fitness routines, keeping up with your kids,  and running your household.  You set BIG goals, whether it's personal strength, competitive sports, or staying on top of your kids and household routines (which could easily be considered a competitive sport these days!!)

It used to be easy...
You used to be able to not only accomplish your goals but crush them, and enjoy doing it, with energy left over for whatever life threw at you.  But lately, or maybe longer...

-you don't have the daily drive or energy you used to thrive on

-you get home or wake up exhausted, & feel like you're always a step behind...and the brain fog?!? ugh

-restful sleep is non-existent, you're bloated, bitchy, and feel like your hormones are running the show

-workouts and training that used to energize and exhilarate you now leaves you feeling like you got hit by a bus or wipes you out for the rest of the day

-the harder you work, the harder it becomes, and almost daily, you wake up feeling defeated before the day has even started

So why can't you get a handle on your health, energy, and fitness anymore? 

You used to run marathons, and now you can't even make supper.

If you're being honest with yourself, you're sick and tired or feeling sick and tired! Exhausted, frustrated and completely overwhelmed with the thought of trying to figure this out.  How can you be so good at every thing else you've accomplished, but can't find the energy to get off the couch.

If something doesn't change soon, you worry that you'll never get your energy back and this is the way you are destined to spend the rest of your days... too tired to train, and too overwhelmed to make healthy choices. 
Trust me, I get it, because I've been right where you are 
What if... you could wake up every day with that drive you used to thrive on and attack those goals like you used to?

What if... you looked forward to training again?

What if... you no longer felt bloated, drained, foggy, or simply not in control of your body

What if... you didn't have to deal with crazy monthly cycles and you had energy to handle the day, the kids, the partner, the pets...AND your own dreams and goals?

...without having to chug a gallon of coffee everyday, go on a crazy restrictive diet, or force yourself to find the discipline to get back to an insane workout schedule...

Here's the problem...
  • "Health and fitness" these days is confusing, overwhelming, and every day there is a new way to eat and a new guru making up new plans...leaving you with absolutely no idea what works and what doesn't
  • You are trying to do all the things but you're not sure what the "right" things are anymore
  • You know you need something to change, but you just can't figure out what that something is
  • And when you try to explain to your Dr. this fatigue, brain fog, bloating, and craziness you feel, they tell you your labs are normal or offer you an anti-depressant 
Eventually, most women give up and try to accept the fact that this is "just part of getting older" :(

Really- why wouldn't you, when you feel like you're doing everything, but you are still so tired, you don't have that inner drive you used to thrive on... not to mention the time or energy to practice  self care or do a fitness routine, or even just handle all the day to day responsibilities anymore. 

Because my whole life has been calling me to lead you in this moment.
Hi, I'm Jo, I am a retired certified athletic trainer, current NSCA Strength & Conditioning coach, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach, and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Practitioner. 

But, in 2015, even though I was in the best shape of my adult life, teaching multiple fitness classes a day and even training for my first sprint tri! I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroid auto-immune dis-ease, and none of those certifications mattered... let me tell you- that kind of fatigue is something I would never wish on anyone. I was completely defeated. 

I had to quit two jobs that I loved, I gained 30 lbs in three months and then continued on a slow uphill slide for 8 more years, and could not keep up with my kids, husband, or social life any more. To say it was devastating is NOT being dramatic. It affected my whole life and ended up changing me in ways I never thought it could.  

Because mainstream medicine was absolutely NO help, this personal challenge pushed me to dive deep into holistic health, trauma-informed healing, and hormone research. I had to keep educating myself so I could heal myself! My breakthrough finally came with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), and I was hooked.

Now, I blend holistic health coaching and functional health testing, with functional strength training to help you achieve peak energy and wellness. I’ve walked this path and I’m here to guide you, making your journey faster, simpler,  and more effective. Let’s unlock your highest self together!

Why is The Choosing Strength Membership different?

  • , Most health and wellness programs out there focus on diet or strength, but ignore the underlying root causes of low energy! Many coaches (or mainstream docs) are not trained to see the deeper issues, keeping you from seeing any lasting success
  • Inside the CHOOSING STRENGTH MEMBERSHIP you will find a cutting edge energy transformation program that focuses on replenishing your body and nourishing you with a straightforward framework so you can heal metabolic imbalances and find that energy and drive to do more without having to rely solely on discipline and will power
  • We also use functional health testing with the HTMA so we can get to the root of the problem and address your unique issues, just using macros and strength training isn't enough anymore. What women are facing these days is deeply rooted and takes specific targeting with a whole body approach
  • And we incorporate Strength and fitness at the right time, (that you will actually want to do), because you will have the energy to do it. It's even designed to fit the busiest of schedules!
Why I'm different
 Because I'm a coach that has truly  walked in your "oh so tired" shoes! I've suffered from Hashimotos, adrenal fatigue, and hormonal imbalances...and recovered!

I've spent years studying root causes of fatigue, thyroid, adrenal and hormonal imbalances

                                                                       I'm trained in functional health testing (HTMA) so we can get to the root                                                                            of your issues

                                                                       I'm as committed to YOUR transformation as I was to mine- I truly don't                                                                             want you to suffer one more minute- feeling exhausted, frustrated,  and                                                                             completely burnt out

                                                                       I'm excited to teach you everything you need to know to erase your                                                                                      fatigue and get back to feeling strong and confident again!
WHY IT WORKS...This is NOT just another one size fits all program
-Choosing strength is a monthly membership program that contains the energy transformation classes you need for lasting lifelong success. 
-You get access to the energy transformation modules and fitness routines immediately after you enroll, so you can start your transformation while we are waiting for your HTMA test results.  
-Then, your test and consultation is used to enhance and personalize your program so you can see even better results. 

The 6 pillars of the energy transformation program...
Step 1 | Beginning Detox

NO crazy juice cleanse or super restrictive diets here. Remember this program is about building you up from the inside out. Restorative and nourishing practices are implemented, along with the basics of re-mineralizing, and learning how to enhance and support your lymphatic system- the basic foundation of our energy through immunity and detoxification systems.

Step 2 | Mindset
Here you will find the mindfulness needed to be successful in the upcoming modules. We will go over the theory's that are needed to make the program successful, and you will get a clear understanding of how to move forward so you can get your energy back and start to feel better quickly!

Step 3 | Nutrition Foundations

Learning how to be successful when choosing foods and nutrients is a huge part of getting your energy back! I teach you how to build a balanced plate, use macros and logging as a helpful tool, without being obsessive or maintaining a "macro lifestyle", and how to eat without an "on plan/off plan" mindset. 

Step 4 | Nervous System Regulation

More than bubble baths and journaling...true nervous system regulation relies on getting to the inner stressors that are keeping you in a constant fight or flight response. I teach you how to look deeper and dive into a more trauma informed healing approach, so you can approach each day with an inner calm that will boost your energy naturally. 

Step 5 | Deeper Gut Healing

You don’t need to have digestive symptoms to have an unhealthy gut. Low energy and a sluggish gut go hand in hand. In this module I’ll show you simple ways to support your digestive system...healing, sealing, and increasing digestion, so you can see all the benefits of your healthy diet and continue to see increases in your daily energy. 

Step 6 | Sleep Foundations

One of the most under-rated aspect of your energy transformation, but one of the greatest impacts. Learning proper sleep hygiene and setting you up for nightly sleep success, aligns with the rest of the foundations you have already been mastering. 

When you join the choosing strength membership you get... 

A plan of action:  designed to get to the root of your metabolic imbalances, restore your energy, and build strength, so you never have to guess the next step for success.

Individual coaching call:  After we receive your HTMA results you will get a recorded interpretation of your results so you can listen, take notes, and prepare any questions before we meet on zoom. This way we can spend our time together implementing personal strategies for you to enhance your energy transformation.

High touch support: unlimited email support  so you never have to feel like you're on your own... Of course you're going to have questions, and I will be here ready to connect! Emails are answered Monday thru Thursday- within 1 business day.

An exclusive Facebook group: Regular posts (from me) that include motivation, new class alerts, recipes, and essentially anything I think can support you in your journey!! AND you can ask questions at any time, I'll be standing by to support you! As long as you are in the membership you will have access  (questions will be answered during regular business hours, though, we do like to respect social media boundaries:))

A 12 week strength transformation program: 5 days a week for 12 weeks, I take you through a follow along strength transformation. These are full length videos that I do with you! Just show up and hit play- and don't worry, we follow the principals of the program, start slow and build as you are able! (available while you are in the membership)

Multiple other full length fitness routines: From Yoga to Pilates, to low impact combination routines, to straight up hiit and strength. I am a certified strength coach and have been recording online classes for years! You get access to all the best routines while you are in the membership. There are 8 additional full length video recorded fitness programs at the moment with plenty more being added! No more searching endlessly on Youtube...

Available as an app: Download the easy to use app and get all of the content at your fingertips. Making your success even more attainable! Listen to the modules while you're on the go, and play the fitness routines on your t.v. (just mirror or airplay).

You may have been surviving, but together we're going to thrive,

The Choosing Strength Membership is for you if...


- You're ready to learn and implement simple but effective lifestyle transformation habits
- You are seeking a sustainable and lasting approach to restorative wellness
- You are tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed with quick fixes and fads that don't work
- You feel alone in your journey, no one is listening to you, and you feel like you want to give up
- You're ready to get your energy, strength, and confidence back on point 
The Choosing Strength Membership is NOT for you if...

-You are looking for meal plans or restrictive eating "plans"

- You aren't willing to take the time to heal metabolic imbalances
- You are looking for medical advice, a diagnosis, or treatment for any labeled condition
- You are taking diet pills or prescriptions for weight loss
- You are not willing to make lifestyle changes to see lasting results

Other programs focus on weight loss OR strength, OR detox, OR motivation and mindset, OR gut health, OR nervous system regulation...

Let's break down what you get when you join us inside the Choosing Strength Membership:

  • the HTMA functional lab test
  • personal HTMA results & interpretations report
  • individual HTMA results & planning consultation 
  • the energy transformation education program
  • unlimited email support for the first 90 days
  • active Facebook support & accountability group
  • 12 week strength transformation video series
  • 8 additional functional strength video series'
  • all available in an easy to use app

Are you ready to leave your exhaustion behind and find your strength again?
If you said yes, you know you need to have a plan and a support system to keep you on track. 

Join me inside the choosing strength membership and let's get started today!

Why put your health on the back burner any longer- enroll and get immediate access so we can move you from exhausted and frumpy to conquering your day and seriously sculpted:)

Frequently Asked Questions about the Choosing Strength Membership
1. How do I get my HTMA sample test kit?

2. How do I receive my results from the test kit?

3. Is the HTMA test kit extra?

4. Is there an app?

5. How does the membership work?

6. How much does it cost?

7. Do I get blood tests or specific hormone or thyroid levels?

8. Is there a refund?

1.  Once you sign up for the membership you will have access to all the modules. In the first lesson you will have your intake forms. Once you fill out those forms, I will send you your sample test taking kit.  You are then responsible for reading the simple directions, taking your sample, and mailing it back to the lab. 

2. When the results are finished, the lab will send them to me, where I will review them, and put together an educational packet for you.  We will set up a one on one consultation time which will take around 40 minutes to complete. Most times will be during the day.

3. No the test kit is not extra! The test kit and the one on one consultation is included in your initial monthly payment of $269.  The following months in the membership are $69.

4. YES There is an app that is super easy to download and listen to all the modules, as well as do any of the fitness routines. To play on your tv, just screen mirror or air play:)

5. The membership works because most other programs that include any type of functional testing can be cost prohibitive as they are sold in giant packages! The membership allows for smaller monthly chunks financially, while at the same time allowing smaller chunks for lifestyle changes! It really is a win- win. 

6. On the checkout page you will see a monthly recurring fee of $69.00 plus an initial one time fee of $200.00. Which makes the first month a charge of $269.00 and the follow up months $69., and don't forget,  you get your life, energy, and strength back through  functional testing, personal consult, plus weekly email support, full fitness programs, and a community FB group! (you can cancel any time after month 1, although you will forego the continued email support)

7. While the HTMA does look at specific minerals and can interpret how the thyroid and adrenals are functioning, it does not give individual numbers like a blood test does. The HTMA is a longer term picture of how the body is functioning and can see trends that may be developing or have been there long term already 

8. There are no refunds for this program. Once you are in, you have immediate access to all the digital products! If you choose not to stay in the membership after the first month, you will forfeit any coaching emails or HTMA consults that were not used within the first month timeframe.

Copyright Jo Curley

Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and frustrated with your health and fitness and not sure where to start?

Get my free guide to help you see what system in your body is needing the most support, so you know exactly where to start and what to work on!