Are you preparing food for the holiday, or preparing for the holiday with food...

Are you preparing food for the holiday, or preparing for the holiday with food...
I can not get over how fast November and December are going!  We have already had our share of what ever crud has been going around, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, but we are all wishing for a little snow for Christmas!

I think it's funny how emotionally tied to the snow that some of us are, like it just doesn't seem like Christmas without it!

Have you ever stopped to think about how emotionally tied to our traditions we are?  And if you really think about it, how many of those traditions are revolving around food?

I totally get it, food and family seem to go hand in hand for most generations. It's the way a lot of us show love...
we bake...
and cook the huge meal...
everyone overeats...
plays games...
feels connected...
It is so much engrained in us that if we removed one piece of that puzzle, it just might not feel like we even had the holiday?!?

And you know what?  Back in the day when we all worked outside all day, and life was simple, and we ate whole, nutritious, dense foods 95% of the time, those traditions worked.  No one left feeling gross because it was a one time event.  Now I would have to guess that most of us aren't living like "back in the day" and I don't think I'm alone in saying most holidays I already feel gross before I even get to the party;)  (thank goodness for consistent efforts this year and a change in tradition in this case!!)  

But the point here is that we CAN change just a bit here and there and see dramatic differences in how we show up and show love!  
Wouldn't it be nice to cook foods that make people feel amazing?
Wouldn't it feel good to feel good enough to want to go to the party?
Wouldn't it feel good to know that you eat amazing 95% of the time and this one day of indulgent food isn't going to even trip you up a little bit?

You've got a few choices on this one, or you can incorporate both of these strategies below, but remember, YOU are living your life and no one gets to decide how you EMOTIONALLY show up for your holidays!

So here's what I've got for ya...
Start eating real food, real FUEL 95% of the time, so that you feel so good, you will either indulge a little and move on with your life still feeling amazing, or feel so good, that you feel more self love and indulgence by just walking away from all that baggage of poor food choices! You will not be choosing foods just because you are emotionally tied to them anymore.

OR you can still cook the traditional food and just make a few changes so that if you indulge a little extra, you will still feel good about the foods you are eating! AND you are showing yourself (and your family) that inner love because you truly care about YOU and what's going into your body!!

Make the choices that serve you and your family in ALLLLLLLLL the ways, because you CAN'T and shouldn't want to take the emotional connection away from your gatherings, we aren't toy soldiers, food IS more to us at this time of year.  Stop trying to fight it and embrace the unique traditions (and family members;)) you get to be close to this season. Cruise though the holidays with more peace and joy for yourself... learn to love the feeling you get knowing that when you fill up your cup, you automatically fill up every one else around you:)

Here is one recipe that we have changed to make us feel better, rather than cutting it out completely!
Breakfast Casserole  (p.s. I don't measure...more of a dump and go kind of cook so you do you, add and take away what you want!)
Shredded hashbrowns and chopped cabbage -equal parts
Peppers, onions, and mushrooms- run through the food processor so that the picky eaters don't have to look at what's in the casserole, haha
browned sausage, beef, or turkey
Gluten free cream of chicken soup
real butter 
sea salt, and pepper
Nutritional yeast
and of coarse we will be topping with some cheddar cheese 
Bake at 350 for 40-50 minutes

You can see it's not so healthy that everyone won't love it, but it's also loaded with veggies!  When I want to make this even healthier for make ahead week day breakfasts, I leave out the cream of chicken soup, and add extra beef. The little bit of butter and cheese that comes along with all those veggies and proteins are what I consider balance:)

Don't forget to choose strength this holiday season and get started with the membership today!  You get consistent fitness programs, community of support, and results:)  Click the link to find out more

Strengthen your glutes in 5 minutes a day

Strengthen your glutes in 5 minutes a day
This is the perfect routine if you struggle to find time to get in a full workout, you don't enjoy fitness because of your back, hip, or knee pain, or you know you need to add in corrective exercises but you're not sure how to incorporate them into your already full fitness program!

Most of the videos out there are too complicated for beginners.  I'm a huge proponent of just being able to start where you are and then progress.  The magic is in the consistency and progression, but most can't get that far because they don't actually start at the true beginning, jump into a program that isn't feasible for them and then end up not being able to follow through with it.

If that sounds familiar, I challenge you to watch the newest video and incorporate the movements into your day!!  Let me know in the comments if you add this into your pre-workout warm-up, your cool down, while you brush your teeth, or while you are doing dishes at the kitchen sink!

and as always if you want more programs with ALLL the things already added in, check out the full membership at the link below

Ready to sample what is offered inside? Click this link!


It's time to get rid of that nagging or even super severe, sharp pain, in your hips when you are trying to walk, run, or even just sit or stand!

No crazy yoga moves or crawling around on the floor required.
Watch the video to find out more!

And when you're ready to get back to being strong and energetic, moving without pain, and feeling healthy and strong in your body again, check out the membership, where you get full access to all the programs!

Not ready for the full membership, try out the free samples by joining at this link!

Are you really aligned with your goals?

So I have a question for your today.  

Are your actions aligning you with your goals?

Did you know it can actually be easy to reach your end goal when you align yourself with your goal. Simply put, this means you have essential non-negotiables that you know gets you to your end game, and everything else is just B.S. that's blocking you.

That's it.

Today I'm encouraging you to evaluate YOUR actions as you go through your day, are you aligning yourself or blocking yourself? Are you stressing about the B.S. or moving past it because it doesn't fit the lifestyle you are working towards?

The time is there for you, you just have to claim it.  Get your strength back, get out of constant back pain, feel healthy in your skin again, and DON'T DO IT ALONE!

Join the membership today that is aligned and focused. Move with strength again, find your energy again, find your community for commitment.  Click the link to learn more about the purposeful movement membership

Or Click here    to sign up for the FREE 10 day challenge where you get 6 powerful audio lessons to help you put into practice an amazing foundation for health and wellness, plus a 5 video workout sampling of what you will find inside the membership!

eating to survive the holiday season, or learning to THRIVE!

Hey guys! It's here! The holiday season is officially upon us!
I hope that you are in a place of peaceful anticipation, and not overwhelm and stress...but I know hard it can be to find peace this time of year.  
I mean, it's dark all the time, it's cold, and there's a million things to do...

I want to encourage you this season to take a step back and evaluate everything you are doing while you are doing it.  Are you in a place of enjoyment with your task or is it just one more thing to check off. The first step in activating your parasympathetic (think calm and restful) nervous system is to pause, and breath.  If you find yourself spiraling, spinning faster and faster, and getting more and more tired, just stop! Even sitting down for 1 minute to drink some tea or water, will rejuvenate you so you can enjoy the next moment or task!

Also, did you know that stress this season could cause more harm to your body than a day or two of indulgent eating?  Stress does all the damage! If you are metabolically healthy, your digestive system and metabolism will take care of the comfort foods you might find yourself around these days. But stress will move into your cells and wreak complete havoc that tends to stick around.  Inflammation, dysregulated insulin and cortisol responses are the true culprits behind the extra weight that creeps in this time of year (and quite honestly all year long!)  The damage that these three regulators do to the body can be long lasting and snowball into every other system in your body.

So what do you do about it? LOTS!  but don't freak out here, it really is WAYYYY more simple than we like to make it:) and I've got it all laid out for you in the new series, how to optimize your healthy habits in 6 easy steps.  Just by following a few simple outlines you can regulate your hormones, your stress responses, your blood sugars and cravings.  

It really can be peaceful to find a new kind of freedom in your health and wellness plan.  

Take the first step in learning how to get your body back on track and find true health again! Click the link to sign up for the FREE self paced class and see for yourself how easy it can be!

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