How many times have you let your current conditions dictate what you do or don't do?
I hate to admit it, but I know for me personally, it's been way too often!!
I love to record, coach, and teach strength and fitness videos, yoga, healthy nutrition tips, and allllll the things. But I don't do it as often as I should. Yes, sometimes it's because I just feel overwhelmed and can't fit it in my day. Other times it's just because I know how I'll look on camera.
And yes, I know, love your body, be kind to yourself, do what you can....it's all the things I coach, but that doesn't make it easier.
I have put so much education and research into what's actually going on with my body, and I have been able to accomplish so much and make great strides, but it just doesn't make it easy to show up with confidence, when the outside of me, doesn't match the inside.
I am trying to trust that I'm on this particular journey for a reason, and there must be more I'm supposed to learn, before I see success where I want to see it:) But I also know that I am supposed to be on this journey, and when I hold myself back from doing what I feel like I'm supposed to be doing, I'm not only ignoring what I'm being called to do, but trying to do things my way instead of trusting that God has positioned me here, in his way and his timing for reasons that I don't understand and maybe never will.
I do know that this is what I love to do, I love to be strong, I love to be able to teach you how to get strong, get rid of painful areas and find joy in movement. I love to share in the love/hate relationship that some workouts bring. I love when my people tell me that my idea of fun isn't really "fun". lol I love when I get to see my people succeed and reach goals that they didn't even know they needed.
I love it all, and I've been hiding from it.
I don't know exactly why the weight won't go away yet, but I know I can be strong, and show up everyday so that you can be strong too. And I know I have a ton of education and experience that I can't wait to share with you!! Extra weight can't take that away from me.
So instead of waiting to record any more videos until the extra fluff is gone, I'm just going to go with it. The weight may or may not go anywhere, but I know that I will be strong, I will be doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and I can find joy in it. It's not ever going to be perfect or easy, but I'm guessing it doesn't feel that way for you either most days.
The newest series: Defined and Strong will be releasing this week into the membership. If you're ready, click the link and come along on the journey with us! Choose Strength today:)