Ok, we have all said this multiple times about more subjects than I can possible count, but I'm going to be real frank here. You always have time for things you prioritize.
I find that when I don't really want to do task A, I always find task B that becomes infinitely more important and thus task A never gets done.
I am so guilty of this, so don't think I am just calling you out here;)
Let's look at getting in your workout...first of all, I am tired of calling it "my workout" (thus the name of the membership became "purposeful movement!) and having to find the time to gear up for it, do it, then rest and clean up afterwards. I know it doesn't seem like it takes that much, but let me tell you, if you have adrenal fatigue or even a "sluggish" thyroid, those steps feel like a mountain! AND I will NEVER prioritize or make time for it, because it feels so paralyzing!
So a couple things jumped out at me here...if I feel like I have to "gear up" for my "workout" it's probably too much for my body to handle right now, therefore changing the movement to something that doesn't feel like a workout is super important, or I'll never start. Climbing back to a strength level you were once at by doing the same workouts that you used to do, can just be so unrealistic and daunting, and we put so much pressure on ourselves, even if we don't mean to! Inevitably we end up leaving the workout with negative thoughts when we should be leaving uplifted and energized!
Also, if I'm leaving the workout feeling worse than when I started, it's definitely not gonna happen. Let's face it, we are tired of being tired all the time, and knowing that putting a workout before ALLLLLLL THE THINGS we have to do today is also completely overwhelming!
So what can change? YOU! Start to think of movement as something you love to do, and if you don't know what you love to do...try new things! You are never committed to any "workout", so if you do 3 minutes of a dance video that doesn't match your style just stop and switch gears, and the plus side is, you just did movement for 3 minutes, it's not wasted and you don't have to do a "whole other workout" to make it perfect, you just find something else or call it good for the moment and move on. You can try another session later in the day:)
Also, if calling it sessions or workouts is bothering you, just find ways to incorporate strength through out your day! I'll be releasing a 5 video series on just how you can do this as you go through your day, so you can "hack" your workouts, and figure out how you can take actionable steps today!
It doesn't have to be perfect to be effective, some is always better than none, and you are amazing! So do what makes you happy, don't worry about the time frame, the specifics, or the shoulds, coulds, or woulds!!! Make your movement your own and love what you do every day:)